
You’re Uniquely Amazing


I’ve heard people ask these questions: 13015457_10204684522392919_2556947151531505471_n
Why did God make some people white, and some black? Why did He give some pointed nose, and some slanted eyes?
Why did He give some extremely long straight hair, and some kinky curls?
Why did He not just make us all the same?12998538_10204684225825505_3053354875275317816_n (2)
I don’t know, but this is what I’m thinking:
Growing up, I wanted very long wavy hair, pointed nose, white skin, and blue eyes (Maybe I still want blue eyes) 13015585_10204684225905507_4361012431321652136_n (2)
I wanted to act, and live in the manner I saw them do, when I watched them on TV.
1138065566034228640_30756212So when  I was old enough, I packed my bags to go learn their ways, (since I couldn’t exactly look like them) and then it hit me.
There were so many white girls, I became the different one. (Becoming white skinned didn’t feel so appealing anymore; it became mainstream) Did I turn racist? I don’t think so; they were nice to me. 1472768_10152608225153123_246060417578054612_n
It’s like scrolling through someone else’s Instagram page, and wishing you had their life, until you step into their shoes, and have to taste their discomfort too.
Most importantly, realizing that they too wished they had your life, changes everything. (Everyone has got problems)ipp
543330902889866118_2533975I love adventures, and status quo bores me. I love varieties, new experiences, and uniqueness.
Some will ask “if everyone was to be ‘unique’, what will ‘unique’ become?”
I’ll say that’s probably what God had in mind, when He made us all; for us to be all unique and special.12993424_10204684234825730_7275730851006871938_n (2)
He made some of us black, some of us white, some yellow, red, etc1004381012160988066_1354510047
He gave us different features, qualities and abilities, and put us in different places, with different minds, idea, and experiences.
Did He think that we wouldn’t eventually find ourselves? I think not.
560038273846485405_2533975I’ll say He knew we would find each other, and hoped that we would admire our differences, instead of envy ourselves.
I’ll say He hoped that we would share our ideas, thoughts and experiences, and not steal from each other.
I’ll say He hoped that we would learn to unite again, and not destroy humanity; or maybe it’s for this exact same reason we’ve been made the way we are: 1085016418028957620_1694961354
SAME KIND OF DIFFERENT 12961512_10204684232745678_7792573705961932906_n (2)
because united, we would be gods; unstopable. So yeah, we could envy ourselves, copy and steal and kill each other, hate and destroy humanity.
After all, this world would end one day, and we would have made it easier or, we could live and become gods; like we used to be, like we were created to be.
12974303_10204684231025635_2730268081424356767_n (2)See, there isn’t anything as perfect as the idea of contentment.
I’m very certain there’s someone out there with a worse story than yours, and really wishes they could be you.13001160_10204684211145138_5212761715167137761_n (2)
So what have you got? Curly or straight hair, blue or slanted eyes? White, or chocolate 1204952310978815092_1397462920skin, feel good in it, and let the world appreciate another magnificient creation of the Most High God.1045142124199565693_22308477
You are Uniquely Amazing!


  1. Elizabeth Peters

    13/04/2016 at 10:09

    Beautiful! Thank you for the feature in such a lovely piece!

    1. Elizabeth

      14/04/2016 at 12:03

      You’re very welcome Dear, and thank you too for being a part of it. Glad you liked it

  2. Smith

    18/07/2016 at 08:58

    Hey Lisa, is this your blog?

    1. Elizabeth

      18/07/2016 at 10:51

      Yeah Smith, it is my blog.

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