Do you know you have a hair type?

I’ve always known that hair came in different kinds, but what I didn’t know was; you have to treat your hair, according to its kind.
I’ve had that very unique different kind of hair. (I didn’t even know it had a name) I’m totally African, and I’ve always relaxed my hair; because my first try at the natural hair thing was a disaster.
After a bad experience with the European weather, (I’m not certain though) I had to cut it off, and go natural. I figured the more natural it stayed, the stronger it’ll be.
Anyways, it was like a joke; like everything I added to it wasn’t working. The thicker it got, the more the pain increased. So my hair is curly and often tangles at the tip. It’s also very dry and hard, no matter the amount of oil or hair product I added to it; it was like they all rested on the hair’s surface, refusing to go in.
Frustrated, I went researching. See, when I relaxed my hair, I used a lot of heat; sat in dryers, steamers, or used plastic caps and all for my hair care. Going natural, I didn’t think I’ll need all of those. Well after my research, I figured I’d been doing it the wrong way.
For every woman that decides to show love to her hair, and grow a very lovely and healthy natural hair, knowing your hair type should be your first step.
The hair can be categorized into different types, but I’ll concentrate on the porosity level. (I think this is the most important, because hair moisture goes a long way in defining one’s hair)
We have:

  • High Porosity hair
  • Normal Porosity hair
  • Low porosity hair

What does porosity mean?
The ability to hold moisture
So a high porosity hair type will too easily receive, and too easily let go of moisture. A Normal porosity hair type will receive and hold on to moisture. A low porosity hair type will find it difficult to receive and let go of hair moisture
Stay tuned to know what I did next

Next on hair care: Hair Porosity test

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